data security policy

Data Security Policy for FUT Trade Buddy Chrome Extension
Version: 1.0
Date: 2023-10-04

  1. Introduction
    This Data Security Policy outlines how FUT Trade Buddy Chrome Extension
    (the „Extension“) collects, uses, and protects user data. The Extension is a
    tool that automates the EA FC WebApp, and it is developed and maintained
    by Simon Schneider and Tim Thome.
  2. Data Collection
    The Extension collects the following types of data:
    ● Account data: This includes the user’s email address and email id for
    licensing and authentication with the Extension.
  3. Data Use
    The Extension uses the data it collects for the following purposes:
    ● To detect and prevent fraud and abuse.
    ● To communicate with users about the Extension, such as to provide
    updates or support.
  4. Data Sharing
    The Extension does not share any user data with any third parties.
  5. Data Security
    The Extension takes the following measures to protect user data:
    ● All user data is stored in encrypted form.
    ● The Extension’s servers are hosted in a secure data center.
  6. Data Retention
    The Extension retains user data for as long as necessary to provide the
    Extension’s features and functionality. After that, the data is deleted.
  7. User Choices
    Users have the following choices regarding their data:
    ● Users can choose to uninstall the Extension at any time.
    ● Users can contact the developer to request that their data be deleted.
  8. Contact Information
    If you have any questions about this Data Security Policy, please contact the
    developer at
  9. Changes to this Policy
    The developer may update this Data Security Policy from time to time. If there
    are any significant changes, the developer will notify users by posting a notice
    on the Extension’s website.
  10. Your Acceptance of this Policy
    By using the Extension, you agree to the terms of this Data Security Policy.